It’s in the headlines nearly every day — stories about fraud investigations that reveal the theft of hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars from local businesses, government agencies and charitable organizations. And who’s to blame? Too often the culprit is a long-time trusted employee. “The person responsible for defrauding the company frequently is… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Forensic Accounting
The Impact of Different Conventions for Projecting Future Damages, Part I
When calculating damages for future periods – such as for lost profits, loss of income in wrongful death cases, etc. – experts are often charged with expressing an opinion as to what would happen in the future but for the wrongful act. These projections typically rely upon either industry trends or on the historical operating… Read more »
The Impact of Different Conventions for Projecting Future Damages, Part II
The valuation of damages is designed to put the harmed party back into the same economic position that would have existed if the harm had not occurred. The most difficult part of that equation is to project the economic conditions one would have expected without the harm. An analysis of historical results is often used… Read more »
Creating an Effective FCPA/UKBA Compliance Program
Last month I discussed the potential risks that a company faces under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) and the U.K. Bribery Act of 2010 (UKBA) when conducting business in foreign countries. This month, I’ll present the key components of an effective FCPA/UKBA compliance program. There are seven key components to an… Read more »
Valuation Issues to Consider During Healthcare Acquisition Negotiations
In response to the Affordable Care Act, more hospitals and large physician groups are buying physician practices to control referral sources, service quality and operating costs. This increase in practice acquisitions is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Because of this, it is more important than ever for both acquirers and acquirees to consider… Read more »
Protecting Your Auto Dealership From Fraud
Owning and operating an auto dealership can be a rewarding experience. Despite the long hours and myriad of issues facing the dealer, a well-run dealership can be a source of satisfaction and financial reward. However, the complexity of auto dealership operations can give employees and others the opportunity to commit fraud, thereby diverting significant profits… Read more »
Are Your Clients at Risk Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or the U.K. Bribery Act?
If any of your clients conduct or plan to conduct business in any foreign country, then you should read this blog. The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) makes it a crime for a business or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents or shareholders to bribe a foreign official, foreign political party… Read more »
Reducing Litigation Costs Through Specialized Software
Using specialized data-mining software in complex litigation support and forensic accounting engagements can yield significant cost and time savings. In most forensic accounting engagements, time is of the essence and, when litigation is involved, deadlines for discovery or accepting proposed settlement offers can become a major issue. If it normally takes several weeks to perform… Read more »
Executive Culture is Essential in Preventing Employee Fraud
I was recently involved in a fraud investigation of the CFO of a privately held company that spent years following the directives of the majority shareholder to run the majority shareholder’s personal and/or nonexistent expenses through the company. In addition, the CFO was directed to implement other schemes that the majority shareholder designed to defraud… Read more »
Understanding Your Business’ Financial Statements Is the First Step Toward Preventing Fraud
Many of my recent forensic and litigation engagements have arisen when business owners (including legal and other professional firms) suddenly learned that trusted individuals within their businesses had perpetrated a fraud upon the business. Most of these business owners had received regular monthly or quarterly financial statements for the business but had failed to read… Read more »
Discovery of Hidden Assets
In divorce proceedings and certain types of commercial litigation, counsel may suspect that the opposing side has hidden some assets. A forensic accountant can be of great assistance in formulating discovery information requests and conducting the analysis that will aid in the identification and location of potentially hidden assets. In order to identify hidden personal… Read more »