As part of the normal procedure of analyzing financial and accounting information, a forensic accountant will look closely at the numbers themselves. Such tight scrutiny can help unearth potential fraud or other abuse of financial information, according to David Anderson, a Philadelphia forensic accountant and principal of David Anderson & Associates, a Philadelphia forensic accounting… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Marital Dissolution
Valuation Issues in Divorce Best Left to Forensic Accounting Experts
Determining the equitable value of a business that is at the center of a divorce case can be a tricky situation, particularly when spouses have differing opinions about what that value should be. No doubt that is why most attorneys turn to a forensic accounting expert who has served as a marital dissolution accountant and… Read more »
Rely on Forensic Accounting Experts to Untangle Valuation Issues in Divorce
The decision to end a marriage is a messy affair that becomes undoubtedly more complicated when the division of property includes a business that must be valued. In these cases, determining a fair value for the business is best left in the hands of a forensic accounting expert who has experience serving as a marital… Read more »
Forensic Accounting Experts Tackle Valuation Issues in Divorce
Marriage dissolution is never easy. Throw in the complexity of one spouse owning a business that must be equitably valued and the complications multiply. Fortunately, forensic accounting experts who also have served as marital dissolution accountants and business valuation experts can help unravel the complexities and help the parties reach a fair valuation of the… Read more »
Forensic Accounting Experts Unravel Complex Valuation Issues in Divorce
Ending a marriage equitably can be a complex process when spouses and their attorneys face the daunting prospect of determining the value of a business. In these cases, it is always a good idea to consult a forensic accounting expert who also has served as a marital dissolution accountant and a business valuation expert to… Read more »
Forensic Accounting Experts Play Crucial Role in Marital Dissolution
Ending a marriage is difficult under any circumstances. But it becomes a complex and tangled affair when the marriage involves spouses who brought numerous assets into the marriage or acquired them during it. In these situations, a forensic accounting expert plays a crucial role in the marital dissolution by sorting through the financial maze to… Read more »
Understanding Business Valuation, Part I
Do you know the value of your business? There are myriad reasons why you might need to know — from mergers and acquisitions to estate issues or marital dissolution. When the time comes, understanding how a fair and accurate business valuation is determined is of paramount importance. “The first step in valuing a business is… Read more »
Discovery of Hidden Assets
In divorce proceedings and certain types of commercial litigation, counsel may suspect that the opposing side has hidden some assets. A forensic accountant can be of great assistance in formulating discovery information requests and conducting the analysis that will aid in the identification and location of potentially hidden assets. In order to identify hidden personal… Read more »